Kids Songs Reimagined
This Week —
Let’s listen to some great versions of children’s songs!
Sometimes the Elf likes to listen to The Muffin Man. Over. And over. And over. It can be maddening. Is there a song that your kiddos listen to so much that it makes you want to lose your %$#& (ahem, Baby Shark)? Then take a deep, calming breath and listen to this playlist full of kids’ songs that are not only more engaging for your child, but also more appealing for those adults in the room.
Listen To —
Get ready to hear classic children’s songs performed by incredible artists and bands that'll get you and your kids bopping around (and won't cause you to become completely unhinged if played a million times—we hope). I'm talking Ella Fitzgerald singing Old McDonald and Charlie Parker playing La Cucaracha—you can't get any better than that.
Make a Day of It —
This playlist will make you and your kiddos want to break out the pots, pans, wooden spatulas, boxes—anything that makes a whole buncha noise—and create a big ol’ family music-making party. If you’d like to take it a step further, here are some great ideas for homemade instruments: paper plate tambourine, straw pan flute, bottle top castanets, or can drums. So go ahead and dive head-first into this playlist—and have fun jamming out!
Don’t have Spotify? Listen on YouTube!