Greatest Choral Pieces

Spotify // Apple Music // Amazon

This Week —

Singing in a choir is, by far, one of the things I love the most in life.The act of using my voice with others to create a massive, explosive sound in a group is exhilarating. It’s the same feeling that’s generated when Olympic rowers are in sync, working in perfect coordination, or when a group of people work together to push a car out of a ditch. It’s the teamwork that sparks connectivity.

This year has been all about isolation and being apart for our collective good. So I thought we should celebrate the end of this year with a reminder of what it feels like to BE together, breathe together, sing together, play together, dream together. 

Listen to —

Bask in the beauty of this uplifting playlist packed with the greatest hotshots of choral music: Haydn, Handel, Bach, and Vivaldi. Expect your kids to feel invigorated and hyped up with this music, and use it to perk up your own mood as well. This is especially useful for those of us who live in the Northern Hemisphere, where the sun calls it quits at freaking 4pm. #Seriously

Thank You! —

To end the year, I would like to thank you for joining me on this musical journey. The pandemic not only inspired me to begin this adventure with you, but it also kept me afloat (and sane) during this strange, difficult time. So Thank YOU, Gracias, Merci, Danke, Grazie, Arigato, Efharisto, Takk...


Winter Celebration


Inspired by Nature