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Best Orchestra Books for kids

Visit our Bookshop store to purchase our favorite books about music for children. By purchasing through Bookshop, you will also be supporting local bookstores, which are essential to the fabric of our communities.

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If you’d like your kiddos to try their hand at piano playing, go right for this simple Casio keyboard— with 100 instrumental sounds, 50 rhythms, and 10 integrated songs.

Loog guitars have only three strings designed to make it fun and easy to play music. They come with an app that gets kids playing songs on day one.

If you are following along with our recommended pitch learning program Prodigies, here are the instruments I recommend:

  • A bell set is a little expensive but very worthwhile. We didn’t splurge on it until the Elf was 4 years old and it has grown his knowledge of pitches tenfold. I wish I had gotten it sooner!

  • The boom whackers are cheaper and insanely fun to play.

  • If you have a piano at home, you can simply add these colored stickers to the keys. Or you can purchase this keyboard which we love.


Sensory play

Our absolute FAVORITE play dough is from The Dough Project which creates a world of kid-powered playing that parents can feel good about. Made with simple all-natural ingredients, dough and DIY Mixes come packed with everything you need to inspire endless possibility.

Green Kid Crafts is empowering the next generation of environmental leaders using creative, nature-based STEAM activities. They sell boxes by themes that you can even subscribe to plus they plant a tree for every online order.

THiNK OUTSiDE is a monthly subscription box full of outdoor gear and resources that will get your kids away from a screen and outside exploring nature!